| 期刊封面 |
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| 发表论文情况:(*为通讯联系作者) 2022年
176.Chun-Yan Wu,* Ming Wang, Jingyue Li, Yuxuan Le, Wu Fei, Ji-Gang Hu,* Di Wu, Yu-Xue Zhou, and Lin-Bao Luo* “Non-Ultrawide Bandgap Semiconductor GaSe Nanobelts for Sensitive Deep Ultraviolet Light Photodetector Application” Small. 2022, 18, 2200594 [PDF]

175.Chun-Yan Li, Yu-Tian Xiao, Can Fu, Feng-Xia Liang, Li-Miao Chen, Di Wu, Lin-Bao Luo* “High-Accuracy and Broadband Wavelength Sensor with Detection Region Ranging from Deep Ultraviolet to Near Infrared Light” Adv. Opt. Mater. 2022.10.2101735 [PDF]

174.Huahan Chen, Chao Xie, * Xianpeng Zhong, Yi Liang, Wenhua Yang, Chunyan Wu and Linbao Luo * “A Quasi-2D Perovskite Antireflection Coating to Boost Performance of Multilayered PdTe2/Ge Heterostructure-Based Near-Infrared Photodetectors” J. Mater. Chem. C. 2022,10,6025-6035 [PDF]

173.Yao-Zu Zhao, Can Fu, Feng-Xia Liang*, Yu-Tian Xiao, Jing-Yue Li, Ming-Ming Liu, Di Wu and Lin-Bao Luo * “Highly sensitive filterless near-infrared wavelength sensors with two self-driven MLG/Ge heterojunctions” J. Mater. Chem. C. 2022, 10, 8474–8480 [PDF]

172.Chun-Yan Wu,* Kai-Jun Cao, Yu-Xuan Le, Jing-Yue Li, Chen-Yue Zhu, Li Wang, Yu-Xue Zhou, Di Wu, Lin-Bao Luo* “Spectral engineering of InSe nanobelts for full-color imaging by tailoring the thickness” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2022.13.2668-2673 [PDF]

171.Can Fu, Chuan Lu, Hai-Yang Cheng, Xiang Zhang, Zhi-Xiang Zhang, Yu-Tian Xiao, Di-Hua Lin, Jiang Wang, Ji-Gang Hu, Zhi-Li Wang, Di Wu, Lin-Bao Luo* “A UV to NIR Si Wavelength Sensor with Simple Geometry and Good Resolution” IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 2022.5.2457-2461 [PDF]

170.Chun-yan Wu*, Bin Zeng, Kun-nan Zhou, Long-qiang Shan, Jun-jie Wang, Li Wang*, Yi-zhong Yang*, Yu-xue Zhou, and Lin-Bao Luo* “Grating perovskite enhanced polarization-sensitive GaAs-based photodetector” IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 2022.5.2469-2473 [PDF]

169.Li Wang *, Bo-Han Chen, Chang-Yue Fang, Jun He*, Chun-Yan Wu* , Xiang Zhang* , Xiao-Ping Yang, Jian-Bo Mao, Ji-Gang Hu* , and Lin-Bao Luo* “Wavelength-Tunable Multispectral Photodetector With Both Ultraviolet and Near-Infrared Narrowband Detection Capability” IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 2022.69.3258–3261 [PDF]

168.Ming-Ming Liu, Liang-Liang Zhou, Shi-Fu Li, Feng-Xia Liang, Yue Xing, Jing-Yue Li, Can Fu, Yao-Zu Zhao, Di Wu, and Lin-Bao Luo* “A Sensitive UV Photodetector Based on Non-Wide Bandgap MAPbBr3 Nanosheet” IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 2022.10.5590-5594 [PDF]

167.Yue Wang, Di-Hua Lin, Sheng-Hui Luo, Xiang Zhang,* Can Fu, Jiang Wang, Chun-Yan Wu, Di Wu, Yu-Xue Zhou, and Lin-Bao Luo* “Ultraviolet Photodetectors Based on Nanometer-Thick Films of the Narrow Band Gap Semiconductor PbS” ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2022, 5, 8894−8901 [PDF]

166.Jia-Yin Liu, Jun-Jie Wang, Di-Hua Lin, Jiang Wang, Can Fu, Feng-Xia Liang,* Xiang Li, Zi-Peng Gu, Di Wu, and Lin-Bao Luo* “Sensitive Silicon Nanowire Ultraviolet B Photodetector Induced by Leakage Mode Resonances” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2022, 14, 32341-32349 [PDF]

165.Jiang Wang, Yue Xing, Fang Wan, Can Fu, Chen-Hao Xu, Feng-Xia Liang and Lin-Bao Luo * “Progress in ultraviolet photodetectors based on II–VI group compound semiconductors” J. Mater. Chem. C 2022,10, 12929-12946.[PDF]

164.Chao Zhang, Chen-Yue Zhu, Zhen Yang, Di-Hua Lin, Chun-Yan Wu*, Shi-Rong Chen, Li Wang, Yu-Xue Zhou, Lin-Bao Luo* “Fabrication of periodic inverse micropyramids (PIMP)-Si/In2Se3 heterojunction photodetector array for multi-scene RGB-IR image sensing application” Adv. Mater. Technology. 2022, in press [PDF]

163.Yi Liang, Mengru Ma, Xianpeng Zhong, Chao Xie* , Xiaowei Tong, Kun Xing, and Chunyan Wu* ;“Multilayered PdTe2/GaN Heterostructures for Visible-Blind Deep-Ultraviolet Photodetection” IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. 2021.8.1192-1195 [PDF]

162.Yi Liang, Chao Xie, * Cheng-yun Dong, Xiao-wei Tong, Wen-hua Yang, Chun-yan Wu* and Lin-bao Luo * “Electrically adjusted deep-ultraviolet/near-infrared single-band/dual-band imaging photodetectors based on Cs3Cu2I5/PdTe2/Ge multiheterostructures” J. Mater. Chem. C. 2021, 9, 14897–14907 [PDF]

161.Jing-Yue Li, Long-Qiang Shan, Li-Yan Liang, Shi-Rong Chen, Li Wang, Yu-Xue Zhou, Chun-Yan Wu, Lin-Bao Luo “Light trapping in conformal CuO/Si pyramids heterojunction for self-powered broadband photodetection” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 2022, in press [PDF]

160.Tao Wang, Gui-Jiang Xiao, Ren Sun, Lin-Bao Luo, Mao-Xiang Yi “High efficiency ETM-free perovskite cell composed of CuSCN and increasing gradient CH3NH3PbI3” China Phys. B. 2022, 31, 018801 [PDF]

159.邢悦,宛芳,罗盛慧,沈梦,罗林保* “InGaAs近红外激光雷达光电探测器研究进展” 安庆师范大学学报 2022,28,6-14.[PDF]

158.高峰,朱晨岳,李景悦,吴春艳*,罗林保 “基于氧化铟锡主动超表面的相位调制” 激光与光电子学进展. 2022, 59, 0405001 [PDF]

157.Jun-Jie Wang, Can Fu, Hai-Yang Cheng, Xiao-Wei Tong, Zhi-Xiang Zhang, Di Wu, Li-Miao Chen, Feng-Xia Liang,* Lin-Bao Luo* “Leaky Mode Resonance-Induced Sensitive Ultraviolet Photodetector Composed of Graphene/Small Diameter Silicon Nanowire Array Heterojunctions” ACS Nano. 2021,15,16729-16737 [PDF]

<br / 156.Feng-Xia Liang, Rong-Yu Fan, Jing-Yue Li, Can Fu, Jing-Jing Jiang, Ting Fang, Ming-Ming Liu, Lin-Bao Luo,* “Highly Sensitive Ultraviolet and Visible Wavelength Sensor Composed of Two Identical Perovskite Nanofilm Photodetectors” Small. 2021, 17,2102987 [PDF]

155.Xiangfeng Wei, Han Liu, Zhixiang Zhang, Wenchao Xu, Wenjun Huang, Lin-Bao Luo,* Jiehua Liu,* “Low-temperature architecture of cubic-phase CsPbBr3 single crystal for ultrasensitive weak-light photodetector” Chem. Commun. 2021, 57,7798-7801 [PDF]

154.Lin-Bao Luo,* Ting Fang, Chao Xie, Jia-Yin Liu, Yao-Zu Zhao, Li Wang,* Di Wu, Feng-Xia Liang* “Distinguishing Wavelength Using Two Horizontally Stacking Graphene/Thin Si/Graphene Heterojunctions” J. Mater. Chem. C 2021, 9, 8855-8861 [PDF]

153.Yue Zhang, Ming Wang, Kaijun Cao, Chunyan Wu,* Chao Xie, Yuxue Zhou, Lin-Bao Luo,* “High-performance γ-In2Se3/Si heterostructure phototransistor for heart rate detection” J. Mater. Chem. C 9, 7888-7892. [PDF]

152.Rui Huang, Di-Hua Lin, Jia-Yin Liu, Chun-Yan Wu*, Di Wu, Lin-Bao Luo* “Nanochannel-confined self-assembly of crystallographically orientated perovskite nanowire arrays for polarization-sensitive photodetector application” Sci. China Mater 2021, 64,2497-2506. [PDF]

151.Yu Lu, Yue Wang, Chenhao Xu, Chao Xie*, Wenbin Li, Jie Ding, Wanying Zhou, Zipeng Qin, Xinyi Shen, Linbao Luo,* “Construction of PtSe2/Ge heterostructure-based short-wavelength infrared photodetectors array for image sensing and optical communication applications” Nanoscale 2021, 13, 7606-7612. [PDF]

150.Bin Wang, Chao Zhang, Bin Zeng, Chun-Yan Wu,* Chao Xie, Li Wang, Wen-Hua Yang, Lin-Bao Luo* “Fabrication of Addressable perovskite film arrays for high-performance photodetection and real-time image sensing application” J. Phys. Chem. Lett 2021, 12, 2930-2936. [PDF]

149.Chen Li, Jia-Xiang Li, Chun-Yan Li, Jiang Wang, Xiao-Wei Tong, Zhi-Xiang Zhang, Zhiping Yin,* Di Wu, Lin-Bao Luo,* “Self-Driven Photodetector Arrays Based on Patterned CH3NH3PbBr3 Single Crystal Microplate for Image Sensing Application” Adv. Opt. Mater 2021, 9, 2100371. [PDF]

148.Chao Zhang, Bin Wang, Ruiyu Luo, Chunyan Wu,* Shirong Chen, Jigang Hu,* Chao Xie, Lin-Bao Luo,* “Enhanced light trapping in conformal CuO/Si microholes array heterojunction for self-powered broadband photodetection” IEEE Electron Dev. Lett 2021, 883-886. [PDF]

147.Wen-Hua Yang, Xin-Yuan Jiang, Yu-Tian Xiao, Can Fu, Jian-Kun Wan, Xiang Yin, Xiao-Wei Tong, Di Wu, Li-Miao Chen, Lin-Bao Luo* “Detection of Wavelength in the Range from Ultraviolet to Near Infrared Light Using Two Parallel PtSe2/Thin Si Schottky Junctions” Materials Horizon 2021, 8, 1976-1984. [PDF]

146.Mengru Ma, Huahan Chen, Kunnan Zhou, Chao Xie,* Yi Liang, Li Wang, Chunyan Wu, Wenhua Yang, Jiawen Guo and Linbao Luo* “Multilayered PtSe2/pyramid-Si heterostructures array with light confinement effect for high-performance photodetection, image sensing and light trajectory tracking applications” J. Mater. Chem. C 2021, 9, 2823-2832. [PDF]

145.Xiao-Wei Tong, Jun-Jie Wang, Jia-Xiang Li, Xue-Feng Hu, * Di Wu, Lin-Bao Luo,* “Enhancing the Device Performance of SiNP Array/PtTe2 Heterojunction Photodetector by the Light Trapping Effect” Sensor and Actuators A 2021, 322, 112625. [PDF]

144.Chao Xie, Xing-tong Lu, Yi Liang, Hua-han Chen, Li Wang, Chun-yan Wu, Di Wu, Wen-hua Yang, and Lin-Bao Luo* “Patterned growth of Ga2O3 thin films for solar-blind deep-ultraviolet photodetectors array and optical imaging application” J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 2021, 72, 189-196.[PDF]

143.王江, 罗林保* “基于Ga2O3日盲紫外光电探测器的研究进展” 中国激光 2021, 48, 110001.[PDF]

142.Ximing Ye, Jiankun Wan, Xiang Yin, Wenhua Yang*, Chao Xie, Chunyan Wu, Li Wang, Lin-Bao Luo* “Plasma-enhanced Si-SiC low-temperature bonding based on graphene composite slurry interlayer” Mater. Lett. 2021, 293, 129710[PDF]

141..Feng-Xia Liang, Zhiqin Ying, Yi Lin, Bao Tu, Zheng Zhang, Yudong Zhu, Hui Pan, Haifeng Li, Lin-Bao Luo, Olege Ageev, Zhubing He,* “High performance semitransparent perovskite solar cells with MoOx/Ag/WOx as the rear transparent electrode” Adv. Mater. Interfaces. DOI: 10.1002/admi.202000591[PDF]

140.Yang, Jie; Kang, Wei; Liu, Zhengzheng; Pi, Mingyu ; Luo, Linbao; Li, Chen; Lin, Hao; Du, Juan; Zhou, Miao; Tang, Xiaosheng* “High-Performance Deep Ultraviolet Photodetector Based on One-Dimensional Lead-Free Halide Perovskite CsCu2I3 Film with High Stability” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2020, 11, 6880−6886[PDF]

139.陈红云,鲁玉,李辰,赵兴远,张秀星,张致翔,罗林保* “新型多层PtSe2/TiO2 NRs肖特基结紫外光电探测器的研究” 光学学报. DOI:10. 3788/AOS202040.202500 [PDF]

138.Chun-Yan Wu, Yi-Qiang Fang, Lin-Bao Luo*, Kai Guo, Zhong-Yi Guo,* “A dynamically tunable and wide-angle terahertz absorber based on graphene-dielectric grating” Modern Physics Letters B. DOI: 10.1142/S0217984920502929[PDF]

137.Lin-Bao Luo,* Xiu-Xing Zhang, Chen Li, Jia-Xiang Li, Xing-Yuan Zhao, Zhi-Xiang Zhang, Hong-Yun Chen, Di Wu, Feng-Xia Liang* “Fabrication of PdSe2/GaAs Heterojunction for Sensitive Near-Infrared Photovoltaic Detector and Image Sensor Application” Chin. J. Chem. Phys. DOI:10.1063/1674-0068/cjcp2005066[PDF]

136.Xiao-Wei Tong, Ya-Nan Lin,a Rui Huang, Zhi-Xiang Zhang, Can Fu, Di Wu, Lin-Bao Luo,* Zhong-Jun Li,* Feng-Xia Liang,c Wei Zhang* “Direct Tellurization of Pt to Synthesize 2D PtTe2 for High-Performance Broadband Photodetectors and NIR Image Sensors” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces [PDF]

135.Chun-Yan Wu,* Jingwei Kang, Chao Zhang, Kaijun Cao, Yu Lu, Shirong Chen, Chao Xie,* Li Wang, Wenhua Yang, Lin-Bao Luo* “High-performance light trajectory tracking and image sensing devices based on a In2Se3/GaAs heterostructure†” J. Mater. Chem. C 2020,8,13762-13769[PDF]

134.Li Wang, Hehao Luo, Huanhuan Zuo, Jiqing Tao, Yongqiang Yu, Xiaoping Yang, Molin Wang, Jigang Hu,* Chao Xie, Di Wu and Linbao Luo* “Highly Sensitive Narrowband Si Photodetector With Peak Response at Around 1060 nm” IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 2020,8,3214-3211 [PDF]

133.Chun-Yan Wu, Huinan Zhu, Ming Wang, Jingwei Kang, Chao Xie,* Li Wang and Lin-Bao Luo* “Controlled synthesis of GaSe microbelts for high-gain photodetectors induced by the electron trapping effect†” J. Mater. Chem. C 2020,8,5375-5379 [PDF]

132.Li Wang, Zhen Li, Ming Li, Shao Li, Yingchun Lu, Ning Qi, Jian Zhang, * Chao Xie, Chunyan Wu, Lin-Bao Luo* “Self-Powered Filterless Narrow-Band p−n Heterojunction Photodetector for Low Background Limited Near-Infrared Image Sensor Application” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020,12,21845-21853 [PDF]

131.Feng-Xia Liang, Jing-Jing Jiang, Yao-Zu Zhao, Zhi-Xiang Zhang, Di Wu, Long-Hui Zeng, Yuen Hong Tsang* Lin-Bao Luo,* “Fabrication of MAPbBr3 Single Crystal p-n Photodiode and n-p-n Phototriode for Sensitive Light Detection Application” Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020,30,2001033 [PDF]

130.Long-Zhen Qiu, Shi-Yu Wei, Hai-Sheng Xu, Zhi-Xiang Zhang, Zhong-Yi Guo*, Xiu-Guo Chen, Shi-Yuan Liu, Di Wu, Lin-Bao Luo* “Ultrathin Polymer Nanofibrils for Solar-Blind Deep Ultraviolet Light Photodetectors Application” Nano Lett. 2020,1,644,651 [PDF]

2019年 129.Chao Xie, Xingtong Lu, Mengru Ma, Xiaowei Tong, Zhixiang Zhang, Li Wang, Chunyan Wu, Wenhua Yang, and Lin-Bao Luo* “Catalyst-free vapor-solid deposition growth of β-Ga2O3 nanowires for DUV photodetector and image sensor application” Adv. Opt. Mater. 2019,1901257 [PDF]

128.Zhi-Xiang Zhang, Chen Li, Yu Lu, Xiao-Wei Tong, Feng-Xia Liang,*, Xing-Yuan Zhao, Di Wu, Chao Xie, Lin-Bao Luo* “Sensitive Deep Ultraviolet Photodetector and Image Sensor Composed of Inorganic Lead-Free Cs3Cu2I5 Perovskite with Wide Bandgap”J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019,10,5043-5350[PDF]

127.Chun-Yan Wu, Jing-Wei Kang, Bin Wang, Hui-Nan Zhu, Zhong-Jun Li,* Shi-Rong Chen, Li Wang, Wen-Hua Yang, Chao Xie, Lin-Bao Luo* “Defect-induced broadband photodetection of layered γ-In2Se3 nanofilm and its application in near infrared image sensor” J. Mater. Chem. C [PDF]

126.Feng-Xia Liang, Xing-Yuan Zhao, Jing-Jing Jiang, Ji-Gang Hu, * Wei-Qiang Xie, Jun Lv*, Zhi-Xiang Zhang, Di Wu, Lin-Bao Luo,* “Light Confinement Effect Induced Highly Sensitive, Self-Driven Near Infrared Photodetector and Image Sensor Based on Multilayer PdSe2/Pyramid Si Heterojunction” Small ,1903831[PDF]

125.Li Wang, Jing-Jing Li, Qi Fan, Zheng-Feng Huang, Ying-Chun Lu, Chao Xie, * Chun-Yan Wu, Lin-Bao Luo1,* “High-performance near-infrared light photovoltaic detector based on multilayered PtSe2/Ge heterojunction” J. Mater. Chem. C 2019, 7, 5019-5027.[PDF]  124.Xiao-Wei Tong, Zhi-Xiang Zhang, Di Wang, Lin-Bao Luo,* Chao Xie,* Yu-Cheng Wu,* “Photodetector based on silicon/CsBi3I10 Perovskite Film Heterojunction” J. Mater. Chem. C 2019, 7, 863-870.[PDF]  123.Chun-Yan Wu, Wei Peng, Ting Fang, Bin Wang, Chao Xie, * Li Wang, Wen-Hua Yang, Lin-Bao Luo* “Asymmetric contact induced self-driven perovskite microwires array photodetectors” Adv. Electron Mater.2019, 5, 1900135.[PDF]  122.Feng-Xia Liang, Lin Liang, Xing-Yuan Zhao, Lin-Bao Luo,* Yu-Hung Liu, Xiao-Wei Tong, Zhi-Xiang Zhang, J. C. Andrew Huang,*“A Sensitive Broadband (UV–vis–NIR) Perovskite Photodetector Using Topological Insulator as Electrodes” Adv. Opt. Mater. 2019,7, 1801392.[PDF]  121.Lin-Bao Luo, Guo-An Wu, Yang Gao, Long-Zhen Qiu, Lin Liang, Chao Xie,* Zhi-Xiang Zhang, Xiao-Wei Tong, Feng-Xia Liang,* “A Highly Sensitive Perovskite/Organic Semiconductor Heterojunction Phototransistor and Its Device Optimization Utilizing the Selective Electron Trapping Effect” Adv. Opt. Mater. 2019, 1900272.[PDF]  120.Ji-Yu Xu, Chun-Yan Wu, Yi Wang, Ju-Song Yu, Li Wang, Chao Xie,* Ji-Hai Liao,* Xiao-Bao Yang, Lin-Bao Luo* “Fluorinated graphene (F-Gr)/Si heterojunction for high-performance dual-mode photodetector application” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019,[PDF]  119.Chunyan Wu, Zhenyu Wang, Lin Liang, Tijun Gui, Wei Zhong, Ruichao Du, Chao Xie, * Li Wang, Lin-Bao Luo,*“Graphene-assisted growth of patterned perovskite films for sensitive light detector and optical image sensor application” Small,2019, 15, 1900730.[PDF]  118.Lin-Bao Luo, Di Wang, Chao Xie,* Ji-Gang Hu,* Xing-Yuan Zhao, and Feng-Xia Liang* “PdSe2 Multilayer on Germanium Nanocones Array with Light Trapping Effect for Sensitive Infrared Photodetector and Image Sensing pplication” Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 29, 1900849.[PDF]  117.Chao Xie, Xing-Tong Lu, Xiao-Wei Tong, Zhi-Xiang Zhang, Feng-Xia Liang,* Lin Liang,Lin-Bao Luo,* and Yu-Cheng Wu* “Recent Progress in Solar-Blind Deep-Ultraviolet Photodetectors Based on Inorganic Ultrawide Bandgap Semiconductors” Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 29, 1806006.[PDF]  116.Long-Hui Zeng, Di Wu, Sheng-Huang Lin, Chao Xie, Hui-Yu Yuan, Wei Lu, Shu Ping Lau, Yang Chai, Lin-Bao Luo*, Zhong-Jun Li*,and Yuen Hong Tsang* “Two-dimensional Palladium Diselenide: Controlled Synthesis, Electronic Properties and Photodetectors Application” Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 29, 1806878.[PDF]
 2018年 115.Zhiping Yina,b,Qun Zhenga,b , Kuiyuan Wanga , Kai Guoc , Fei Shenc ,Hongping Zhouc ,Yongxuan Sunc , Qingfeng Zhouc , Jun Gaoc , Linbao Luo a , Zhongyi Guo a,b,c,d, * Tunable dual-band terahertz metalens based on stacked graphene metasurfaces Optics Communications 429 (2018) 41–45[PDF]
114.WU Guo-An LUO Lin-Bao* Development and application of near infrared photodetectors 物理 47卷 (2018年)3期[PDF]
113.Zhi-Xiang Zhang, Jin-Song Yao, Lin Liang, Xiao-Wei Tong, Yi Lin, Feng-Xia Liang,* Hong-Bin Yao, Lin-Bao Luo,* High-Performance Photocoupler Based on Perovskite Light Emitting Diode and Photodetector ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10, 39441-39447.[PDF]

112.Li Wang, Shu-Juan He, Kui-Yuan Wang, He-Hao Luo, Ji-Gang Hu,* Yong-Qiang Yu, Chao Xie, Chun- Yan Wu, Lin-Bao Luo*“Dual-plasmonic Au/graphene/Au enhanced ultrafast, broadband, selfdriven silicon Schotty photodetector” Nanotechnology, 2018, in press[PDF]  111.Fengxia Liang, Yi Lin, Zhengfei He, Wei Chen, Yudong Zhu, Tian Chen, Lin Liang, Suman Ma, Yinghui Wu, Bao Tu, Dong Wang, Zhixiang Zhang, Linbao Luo, * Zhubing He*“Promising ITO-free Perovskite Solar Cells with WO3-Ag-SnO2 as Transparent Conductive Oxide” J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018,6,19330–19337 [PDF] 110.Jia-Qin Liu, Yang Gao, Guo-An Wu, Xiao-Wei Tong, Chao Xie,* Lin-Bao Luo,* Lin Liang, Yu-Cheng Wu,*“Silicon/perovskite core-shell heterojunctions with light trapping effect for sensitive self-driven NIR photodetectors” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces., 2018, 10, 27850-27857.[PDF]  109.Feng-Xia Liang, Lin Liang, Xing-Yuan Zhao, Xiao-Wei Tong, Ji-Gang Hu,* Yi Lin, Lin-Bao Luo,* Yu- Cheng Wu*“Mesoporous anodic α-Fe2O3 interferometer for organic vapor sensing application” RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 31121-31128.[PDF]  108.Feng Xia Liang, Yang Gao, Chao Xie, Xiao-Wei Tong, Zhong-Jun Li, * Lin-Bao Luo*“Recent Advances in Fabrication of Graphene-ZnO Heterojunctions for Optoelectronic Device Applications” J. Mater. Chem. C, 2018, 6, 3815-3833.[PDF] 107.Jian-An Huang, Lin-Bao Luo,*“Low-dimensional Plasmonic Photodetectors: Recent Progresses and Future Opportunities” Adv. Opt. Mater., 2018, 6, 1701282.[PDF] 106.Zhi-Xiang Zhang, Long-Hui Zeng, Xiao-Wei Tong, Yang Gao, Chao Xie,*, Yuen Hong Tsang, Lin-Bao Luo*, Yu-Cheng Wu*“Ultrafast, Self-Driven and Air-Stable Photodetectors Based on Multilayer PtSe2/Perovskite Heterojunctions” J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2018, 9, 1185-1194.[PDF]  105. Longhui Zeng, Shenghuang Lin, Zhong-jun Li, Zhixiang Zhang, Tengfei Zhang, Chao Xie, Yang Chai, Shu Ping Lau, Lin-Bao Luo,* Yuen Hong Tsang*“Fast, Self-Driven, Air-Stable and Broadband Photod-etector Based on Vertically Standing Layered PtSe2/GaAs Heterojunction” Adv. Funct. Mater, 2018, 28, 1705970.[PDF] 104.Chao Xie,Yi Wang,Zhi-Xiang Zhang,Di Wang,Lin-Bao Luo*,'Graphene-Semiconductor Hybrid Heterost-ructures for Optoelectronic Device Applications'Nano Tody.,2018,19,41-83.[PDF]
| 2017 | 年 |
| 103. | Feng-Xia Liang, Jiu-Zhen Wang, Zhi-Xiang Zhang, You-Yi Wang, Yang Gao,Lin-Bao Luo*.'Broadband, ultrafast, self-driven photodetector based on Cs doped FAPbI3 perovskite thin film'Adv. Opt. Mater.,[PDF] |
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| 102. | Feng-Xia Liang, Jiu-Zhen Wang, Yi Wang, Yi Lin, Lin Liang, Yang Gao, Lin-Bao Luo*.'Single-layer graphene/titanium oxide cubic nanorods array/FTO heterojunction for sensitive ultraviolet light detection'Appl. Surf. Sci.,426(2017)391-398[PDF] |
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| 101. | Xiao-Wei Tong, Wei-Yu Kong, You-Yi Wang, Jin-Miao Zhu,* Lin-Bao Luo,* Zheng-Hua Wang*.'High-performance red light photodetector based on lead-free bismuth halide perovskite film'ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9, 18977-18985.[PDF] |
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| 100. | Feng Xia Liang, Jiu-Zhen Wang, Zhi-Peng Li, Lin-Bao Luo *.'Near-Infrared Light Photodetectors Based on One-Dimensional Inorganic Semiconductor Nanostructures'Adv. Opt. Mater.,2017,1700081(1of14)[PDF] |
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| 99. | Chun-Yan Wu, Zhu Liu, You-Yi Wang, Zhi-Qiang Pan, Feng-Xia Liang, Yong-Qiang Yu, Li Wang, Lin-Bao Luo*.'Controllable synthesis of p-type Cu2S Nanowires for self-driven NIR photodetector application'Journal of Nanoparticles Research,[PDF] |
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| 98. | Feng-Xia Liang, Cai-Wang Ge, Teng-Fei Zhang, Wei-JieXie, Deng-Yue Zhang, Yi-Feng Zou, Kun-Zheng, Lin-Bao Luo*,“ Plasmonic hollow gold nanoparticles induced high-performance Bi2S3 nanoribbon photodetector'Nanophotonics ,2017;6(2):494-501.[PDF] |
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| 97. | Teng-Fei Zhang, Guo-An Wu, Jiu-Zhen Wang, Yong-Qiang Yu, Deng-Yue Zhang, Dan-Dan Wang, Jing-Bo Jiang, Jia-Mu Wang, Lin-Bao Luo* .'A Sensitive Ultraviolet Light Photodiode Based on Graphene-on-Zinc Oxide Schottky Junction 'Nanophotonics, 2017; 6(5): 1073-1081.[PDF] |
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| 96. | Dan-Dan Wang, Cai-Wang Ge, Guo-An Wu, Zhi-Peng Li, Jiu-Zhen Wang, Teng-Fei Zhang, Yong-Qiang Yu, Lin-Bao Luo*.'Sensitive red light nans-photodetector propelled by plasmonic Cu nanoparticles'J. Mater. Chem. C,2017, 5, 1328--1335.[PDF] |
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| 95. | Feng-Xia Liang, Lin-Bao Luo*'1D/2D material based photodetectors driven by ferr-oelectrics'Science China: Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy,2017, 60, 037031.[PDF] |
| 2016 | 年度 |
| 94. | Chun-Yan Wu, Zhi-Qiang Pan, You-Yi Wang, Cai-Wang Ge, Yong-Qiang Yu, Ji-Yu Xu, Li Wang, Lin-Bao Luo*.'Core-shell silicon nanowires array-Cu nanofilm Schottky junction for sensitive self-powered near-infrared photodetector'J. Mater. Chem. C,2016,4,10804-10811.[PDF] |
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| 93. | Feng-Xia Liang, Deng-Yue Zhang, Jiu-Zheng Wang, Wei-Yu Kong, Zhi-Xiang Zhang, Yi Wang, Lin-Bao Luo*.'Highly sensitive UVA and violet photodetector based on single-layer graphene-TiO2 heterojunction'Opt. Express,2016,24,25922-25932[PDF] |
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| 92. | Teng-Fei Zhang, Zhi-Peng Li, Jiu-Zhen Wang, Wei-Yu Kong, Guo-An Wu, Yu-Zhen Zheng, Yuan-Wei Zhao, En-Xu Yao, Nai-Xi Zhuang, Lin-Bao Luo* .'Broadband photodetector based on carbon nanotube thin film/single layer graphene Schottky junction'Sci. Rep.,2016.6.38569 [PDF] |
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| 91. | Wei-Yu Kong, Guo-An Wu, Kui-Yuan Wang, Teng-Fei Zhang, Yi-Feng Zou, Dan-Dan Wang, Lin-Bao Luo*.'Graphene-β-Ga2O3 heterojunction for highly sensitive deep ultraviolet photodetector application'Adv. Mater.,2016,28,10725-10731.[PDF] |
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| 90. | Rui Lu, Cai-Wang Ge, Yi-Feng Zou, Kun Zheng, Dan-Dan Wang, Teng-Fei Zhang, Lin-Bao Luo*,“ A Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance and Light Confinement Enhanced Near Infrared Light Photodetector”,Laser Photonics Rev,2016,10,595-602.[PDF] |
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| 89. | Li Wang, Ran Chen, Zhi-Fei Ren, Cai-Wang Ge, Zhen-Xing Liu, Shu-Juan He, Yong-Qiang Yu, Chun-Yan Wu, Lin-Bao Luo*,“ Plasmonic silver nanospheres enhanced ZnSe nanoribbon/Si heterojunction optoelectronic devices”,Nanotechnology, 2016, 27(21):215202. [PDF] |
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| 88. | Caiwang Ge, Linbao Luo*, Yifei Tao, Lie Zhu, Kun Zheng, Wei Wang, Yongxuan Sun, Fei Shen, and Zhongyi Guo*,“ High-efficiency refractive index sensor based on the metallic nanoslit arrays with gain-assisted materials”,Nanophotonics 2016,5,139-146. [PDF] |
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| 87. | Lin-Bao Luo*,Yifeng Zou, Cai-Wang Ge, Kun Zheng, Dan-Dan Wang, Teng-Fei Zhang.“ A surface plasmon enhanced near infrared nanophotodetector”,Adv. Opt. Mater. , 2016,5,763-771. [PDF] |
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| 86. | Chun-Yan Wu*, Xin-Gang Wang, Zhi-Qiang Pan, You-Yi Wang, Yong-Qiang Yu, Li Wang, Lin-Bao Luo*“Facial synthesis of KCu7S4 nanobelts for nonvolatile memory device application”,J. Mater. Chem. C , 2016,4(3):589-595. [PDF] |
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| 85. | Zhongjun Li, Wei Xu, Yuanqin Yu, Hongyang Du, Kun Zhen, Jun Wang, Lin-Bao Luo,*HuailiQiu and Xiaobao Yang*“ Monolayer hexagonal arsenene with tunable electronic structures and magnetic properties via impurity doping”,J. Mater. Chem. C ,2016,4(2):362-370[PDF] |
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| 84. | Cai-wang Ge, Zhong-yi Guo,Yong-xuan Sun,Fei Shen, Yi-fei Tao, Jing-ran Zhang, Rong-zhen Li, and Lin-bao Luo,* “Spatial and spectral selective characteristics of the plasmonic sensing using metallic nanoslit arrays”,Opt. Commun,2016, 359: 393-398.[PDF] |
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| 83. | Lin-Bao Luo,* Kun Zheng, Cai-Wang Ge, Yi-Feng Zou, Rui Lu, Yuan Wang,Dan-Dan Wang, Teng-Fei Zhang, Feng-Xia Liang* “Surface plasmon enhanced nano-photodetector for green light detection ”,Plasmonics.[PDF] |
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| 82. | Yuan Wang, Cai-Wang Ge, Yi-Feng Zou, Rui Lu, Kun Zheng, Teng-Fei Zhang, Yong-Qiang Yu, Lin-Bao Luo* “Plasmonic indium nanoparticles induced high-performance photoswitch for blue light detection”,Adv. Opt. Mater. ,2016,4,291-296.[PDF] |
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| 2015 | 年度 |
| 81. | Kun Zheng, Lin-Bao Luo,* Teng-Fei Zhang, Yu-ung Liu, Yong-Qiang Yu, Rui Lu, Huai-Li Qiu, Zhong-Jun Li, J. C. Andrew Huang* “Optoelectronic characteristics of near infrared light photodetector based on topological insulator Sb2Te3 film”,Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2015,3,9154-9160. [PDF] |
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| 80. | Chao Xie,* Fang-Ze Li, Long-Hui Zeng, Lin-Bao Luo,* Li Wang, Chun-Yan Wu, Jian-Sheng Jie* “Surface Charge transfer induced p-CdS nanoribbons/n-Si heterojunction as fast-speed self-riven photodetector”,Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2015,3,6307-6313.[PDF] |
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| 79. | Lin-Bao Luo, * Wei-Jie Xie, Yi-Feng Zou, Yong-Qiang Yu, Feng-Xia Liang, Zi-Jun Huang, and Ke-Ya Zhou*“Surface plasmon propelled high-performance CdSe nanoribbons photodetector”,Optics Express,2015,23,12979-12988. [PDF] |
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| 78. | Yong-Qiang Yu, Lin-Bao Luo*, Ming-Zheng Wang, Bo Wang1, Long-Hui Zeng, Chun-Yan Wu, Jian-Sheng Jie*, Jian-Wei Liu, Li Wang & Shu-Hong Yu*, “Interfacial states induced ultrasensitive ultraviolet light photodetector with resolved flux down to 85 photons per second”,Nano Research,2015,8,1098-1107.[PDF] |
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| 77. | Li Wang,* Xu Ma, Ran Chen, Yong-Qiang Yu,* and Lin-Bao Luo*“Ultraviolet nano-photodetector based on ZnS:Cl nanoribbon/Au Schottky junctions ”,Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics,2015,26,4290-4297.[PDF] |
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| 76. | Feng-Xia Liang, Deng-Yue Zhang, Yi-feng Zou, Han Hu, Teng-Fei Zhang, Yu-Cheng Wu,* Lin-Bao Luo,* “Tunable p-type doping of Si nanostructures for near infrared light photodetector application ”,RSC Adv.,2015,5,19020-19026,(Impact factor:3.708).[PDF] |
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| 75. | Lin-Bao Luo, * Shun-Hang Zhang, Rui Lu, Wei Sun, Qun-Ling Fang, Chun-Yan Wu, * Ji-Gang Hu, Li Wang, *“p-type ZnTe:Ga nanowires: controlled doping and optoelectronic devices application”,RSC Adv.,2015,5,13324-13330.(Impact factor:3.708).[PDF] |
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| 74. | Li Wang,* Hong-Wei Song, Zhen-Xing Liu, Xu Ma, Ran Chen, Yong-Qiang Yu, Chun-Yan Wu, Ji-Gang Hu, Yan Zhang, Qiang Li, and Lin-Bao Luo*“Core/shell CdS:Ga/ZnTe:Sb p-n nano-heterojunction: Fabrication and optoelectronic characteristics”,J. Mater. Chem. C,2015,3,2933-2939.(Impact factor:6.626).[PDF] |
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| 73. | Lin-Bao Luo*, Han Hu, Xian-He Wang, Rui Lu, Yi-Feng Zou, Yong-Qiang Yu,* Feng-Xia Liang*“A Graphene/GaAs near-infrared photodetector enabled by interfacial passivation with fast response and high sensitivity”,J. Mater. Chem. C,2015,3,4723-4728.[PDF] |
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| 2014 | 年度 |
| 72. | Chun-yan Wu,* Wen-jian Wang, Xin-gang Wang, Jun Xu, Lin-bao Luo, Shi-rong Chen,Li Wang and Yong-qiang Yu , “ n-Type KCu3S2 microbelts: optical, electrical, and optoelectronic properties”, RSC Advances, 2014,4, 59221.[PDF] |
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| 71. | Lin-Bao Luo, Xian-He Wang, Chao Xie, Zhong-Jun Li, Rui Lu, Xiao-Bao Yang*, Jian Lu*, “One dimensional CuO nanowire: synthesis, electrical and optoelectronic devices application”,Nanoscale Research Letters,2014,9,637.[PDF] |
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| 70. | Lin-Bao Luo,* Chao Xie, Xian-He Wang, Yong-Qiang Yu, Chun-Yan Wu, Han Hu, Ke-Ya Zhou,* Xi-Wei Zhang, Jian-Sheng Jie*, “Surface Plasmon Resonance Enhanced Highly Efficient Planar Silicon Solar Cell”,Nano Energy, 9, 112-120, (2014). (Impact factor: 10.211).[PDF] |
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| 69. | Chao Xie, Biao Nie, Long-Hui Zeng, Feng-Xia Liang, Ming-Zheng Wang, Lin-Bao Luo,* Mei Feng, Yong-Qiang Yu, Chun-Yan Wu, Yu-Cheng Wu,* and Shu-Hong Yu*, “Core-Shell Heterojunction of Silicon Nanowires Array and Carbon Quantum Dots for Photovoltaic Devices and Self-Driven Photodetectors”,ACS NANO, 8, 4, 4015, (2014). (Impact factor: 12.033)[PDF] |
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| 68. | Lin-Bao Luo*, Xiao-Li Huang, Ming-Zheng Wang, Chao Xie, Chun-Yan Wu, Ji-Gang Hu, Li Wang, Jian-An Huang*, “The effect of plasmonic nanoparticles on the optoelectronic characteristics of CdTe nanowires”,Small,10, 13, 2645, (2014).(Impact factor: 7.514)[PDF] |
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| 67. | Li Wang*, Xiang-An Wang, Chen Ran, Chun-Yan Wu, Yong-Qiang Yu, Jun Xu, Ji-Gang Hu, Lin-Bao Luo*, “Gallium doped n-type ZnxCd1-xS nanoribbons: Synthesis and photoconductivity properties”,J. Appl. Phys. 115, 063108 (2014).(Impact factor: 2.185)[PDF] |
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| 66. | Lin-Bao Luo*, Long-Hui Zeng, Chao Xie, Yong-Qiang Yu, Feng-Xia Liang, Chun-Yan Wu, Li Wang, Ji-Gang Hu*, 'Light trapping and surface plasmon enhanced high-performance NIR photodetector”,Scientific Reports, 10, 1038 (2014).(Impact factor: 5.078)[PDF] |
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| 65. | Lin-Bao Luo*, Jing-Jing Chen, Ming-Zheng Wang, Han Hu, Chun-Yan Wu, Qiang Li, Li Wang, Jian-An Huang,* Feng-Xia Liang*, “Near infrared light photovoltaic detector based on GaAs nanocones array/monolayer graphene Schottky junction ”,Advanced Functional Materials, 24, 19, 2794 (2014).(Impact factor: 10.439)[PDF] |
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| 2013 | 年度 |
| 64. | Ming-Zheng Wang, Wei-Jie Xie, Han Hu, Yong-Qiang Yu, Chun-Yan Wu, Li Wang, Lin-Bao Luo*, “p-type ZnS:N nanowires: Low-temperature solvothermal doping and optoelectronic properties”,Applied Physics Letters, 103, 213111, (2013). (Impact factor: 3.515)[PDF] |
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| 63. | Chun-Yan Wu,* Yi-Liang Wu, Wen-Jian Wang, Dun Mao, Yong-Qiang Yu, Li Wang, Jun Xu, Ji-Gang Hu and Lin-Bao Luo*,“High performance nonvolatile memory devices based on Cu2-xSe nanowires”,Applied Physics Letters, 103, 193501 (2013).(Impact factor: 3.515)[PDF] |
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| 62. | Long-Hui Zeng, Ming-Zheng Wang, Han Hu, Biao Nie, Yong-Qiang Yu, Chun-Yan Wu, Li Wang, Ji-Gang Hu, Chao Xie, Feng-Xia Liang*, Lin-Bao Luo*,“Monolayer graphene/germanium Schottky junction as high-performance self-driven infrared light photodetector”,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces.5, 9362 (2013).(Impact factor: 5.9)[PDF] |
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| 61. | Chao Xie,Biao Nie,Long Zhu, Long-Hui Zeng, Yong-qiang Yu, Xian-He Wang, Qun-Ling Fang, Lin-Bao Luo* and Yu-Cheng Wu*, 'High-performance non-volatile AlO/AlOx/CdTe:Sb nanowire memory device', Nanotechnology, 24, 355203 (2013). (Impact factor: 3.672) [PDF] |
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| 60. | Mei Feng, Lin-Bao Luo, Biao Nie, Shu-Hong Yu, 'p-Type Beta-Silver Vanadate Nanoribbons for Nano-Electronic Devices with Tunable Electrical Properties', Adv. Funct. Mater, 23, 5116-5122 (2013). (Impact factor: 10.439) [PDF] |
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| 59. | Ming-Zheng Wang, Feng-Xia Liang, Biao Nie, Long-Hui Zeng, Ling-Xia Zheng, Peng Lv, Yong-Qiang Yu, Chao Xie, Yang Yang Li, Lin-Bao Luo*,“TiO2 nanotubes arrays/monolayer graphene film Schottky junction ultraviolet light photodetector”Part. Part. Syst. Charact, 30, 630 (2013). (Impact factor: 0.537)[PDF] |
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| 58. | Biao Nie, Lin-Bao Luo*, Jing-Jing Chen, Ji-Gang Hu, Chun-Yan Wu, Li Wang, Yong-Qiang Yu, Zhi-Feng Zhu, Jian-Sheng Jie, “Fabrication of p-type ZnSe:Sb nanowires for high-performance ultraviolet light photodetector application” Nanotechnology, 24, 095603 (2013). (Impact factor: 3.672)[PDF] |
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| 57. | Biao Nie, Ji-Gang Hu, Lin-Bao Luo*, Chao Xie, Long-Hui Zeng, Peng Lv, Fang-Ze Li, Jian-Sheng Jie, Mei Feng, Chun-Yan Wu, Yong-Qiang Yu, Shu-Hong Yu*,'Monolayer Graphene Film on ZnO Nanorods Array for High-Performance Schottky Junction Ultraviolet Photodetectors” Small, 9, 2872-2879 (2013).(Impact factor:7.514)[PDF] |
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| 56. | Fang-Ze Li, Lin-Bao Luo*, Qing-Dan Yang, Di Wu, Chao Xie, Biao Nie, Jian-Sheng Jie*, Chun-Yan Wu, Li Wang, Shu-Hong Yu*,“Ultra-High Mobility of p-Type CdS Nanowires: Surface Charge Transfer Doping and Photovoltaic Devices”Adv. Energy. Mate, 3, 579-583 (2013).(Impact factor: 14.385)[PDF] |
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| 55. | ChunyanWu, Zihan Zhang, YiliangWu, Peng Lv, Biao Nie, Linbao Luo, LiWang, Jigang Hu and Jiansheng Jie*,'Flexible CuS nanotubes–ITO film Schottky junction solar cells with enhanced light harvesting by using an Ag mirror'Nanotechnology, 24 045402 (2013) .(Impact factor: 3.672)[PDF] |
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| 54. | Yong-Qiang Yu, Lin-Bao Luo,* Zhi-Feng Zhu, Biao Nie, Yu-Gang Zhang, Long-Hui Zeng, Yan Zhang, Chun-Yan Wu, Li Wang, and Yang Jiang*,'High-speed ultraviolet-visible-near infrared photodiodes based on p-ZnS nanoribbon/n-silicon heterojunction” ,CrystEngComm, 15, 1635 (2013). (Impact factor: 3.858)[PDF] |
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| 53. | Min Lu, Li Wang, Xiangan Wang, Yongqiang Yu,Xingzhi Zhao, Peng Lv, Hongwei Song, Xiwei Zhang,Linbao Luo, Chunyan Wu, Yan Zhang and Jiansheng Jie*,'Tuning the p-type conductivity of ZnSe nanowires via silver doping for rectifying and photovoltaic device applications',J. Mater. Chem. A,1, 1148-1154 (2013)[PDF] |
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| 2012 | 年度 |
| 52. | WU ChunYan*, YAO HongBin, GAO MinRui, YU ShuHong*,'Effective control on the architectures of CuS microcrystals by inorganic ions',SCIENTIA SINICA Chimica. 42, 11, 1636–1641 (2012).[PDF] |
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| 51. | Di Wu, Yang Jiang*,Yongqiang Yu, Yugang Zhang, Guohua Li,Zhifeng Zhu, Chunyan Wu, Li Wang, Linbao Luo, and Jiansheng Jie* “Nonvolatile multibit Schottky memory based on single n-type Ga doped CdSe nanowire”, Nanotechnology,23, 485203 (2012)[PDF] |
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| 50. | Chao Xie, Lin-BaoLuo*,Long-HuiZeng, Long Zhu, Jing-Jing Chen, Biao Nie, Ji-Gang Hu, Qiang Li, Chun-Yan Wu, Li Wang, Jian-Sheng Jie*,'p-CdTenanoribbon/n-silicon nanowires array heterojunctions:photovoltaic devices and zero-power photodetectors', CrystEngComm,14,7222-7228,(2012)[PDF] |
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| 49. | Di Wu,Yang Jiang*, Yu-Gang Zhang, Yong-Qiang Yu, Zhi-Feng Zhu, Xin-ZhengLan, Chun-Yan Wu, Li Wang, Lin-BaoLuo*,“Self-powered and fast-speed photodetector based on CdS:Ga nanoribbon/Au Schottky diodes”,J. Mater. Chem,22, 23272-23276,(2012)[PDF] |
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| 48. | Lin-Bao Luo*, Feng-Xia Liang, Xiao-Li Huang, Tian-Xin Yan,Ji-Gang Hu,Yong-Qiang, YuChun-Yan Wu, Li Wang, Zhi-Feng Zhu, Qiang Li, Jian-Sheng Jie*,'Tailoring the electrical properties of telluriumnanowires via surface charge transfer doping',Journal of Nanoparticle Research,14, 967,(2012)[PDF] |
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| 47. | Lin-Bao Luo, Feng-Xia Liang, Jian-Sheng Jie, Biao Nie, Fang-Ze Li, Peng Lv, Yong-Qiang Yu, Zhi-Feng Zhu, Qiang Li, Li Wang, Chun-Yan Wu,'Silicon microwires arrays: synthesis, mechanism, and electrical property', Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanomanufacturing, 2, 202-210, (2012)[link] |
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| 46. | Long Zhu, Jiansheng Jie*, Di Wu, Linbao Luo, Chunyan Wu, Zhifeng Zhu, Yongqiang Yu, Li Wang, 'Synthesis of Sb-Doped p-Type CdTe Nanowires and Their Application as High-Performance Nano-Schottky Barrier Diodes', Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanomanufacturing, 2,191-196, (2012)[Link] |
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| 45. | Chao Xie, Jiansheng Jie, Biao Nie, Tianxin Yan, Qiang Li, Peng Lv, Fangze Li, Mingzheng Wang, Chunyan Wu, Li Wang, Linbao Luo, 'Schottky solar cells based on graphene nanoribbon/multiple silicon nanowires junctions ', Appl. Phys. Lett.,100,193103, (2012).(selected for the May 21, 2012 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology)[PDF] |
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| 44. | Zhi Wang, Jiansheng Jie*, Fangze Li, Li Wang,Tianxin Yan, Linbao Luo,Biao Nie,Chao Xie,Peng Jiang,Xiwei Zhang,Yongqiang Yu, Chunyan Wu,'Chlorine-Doped ZnSe Nanoribbons with Tunable n-Type Conductivity as High-Gain and Flexible Blue/UV Photodetectors',ChemPlusChem, 77, 470–475, (2012).[PDF] |
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| 43. | Di Wu, Yang Jiang*, Yugang Zhang, Junwei Li, Yongqiang Yu, Yuping Zhang, Zhifeng Zhu, Li Wang, Chunyan Wu, Linbao Luo and Jiansheng Jie*,'Device structure-dependent field-effect and photoresponse performances of p-type ZnTe:Sb nanoribbons',J. Mater. Chem.,22, 6206-6212,(2012)[PDF] |
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| 42. | Lin-bao Luo, Tsz-wai Ng, Hao Tang, Feng-xia Liang, Yu-cheng Dong, Jian-sheng Jie, Chun-Yan Wu, Li Wang, Zhi-Feng Zhu, Yong-Qiang Yu, Qiang Li,'Surface charge transfer doping of germanium nanowires by MoO3 deposition',RSC Advances, 2, 3361-3366,(2012). [PDF] |
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| 41. | Lin-Bao Luo, Xiao-Bao Yang, Feng-Xia Liang, Jian-Sheng Jie, Qiang Li, Zhi-Feng Zhu, Chun-Yan Wu, Yong-Qiang Yu, Li Wang,'Transparent and flexible selenium nanobelt-based visible light photodetector',CrystEngComm,14,1942-1947,(2012).[PDF] |
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| 40. | Peng Jiang, Jiansheng Jie*, Yongqiang Yu, Zhi Wang, Chao Xie, Xiwei Zhang, Chunyan Wu, Li Wang, Zhifeng Zhu, Linbao Luo,'Aluminum-doped n-type ZnS nanowires as high-performance UV and humidity sensors',J. Mater. Chem.,(2012)[PDF] |
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| 39. | Qiang Li, Jordan M. Anderson, Yiqing Chen, Lei Zhai,'Structural evolution of multi-walled carbon nanotube/MnO2 composites as supercapacitor electrodes',Electrochimica Acta, 59, 548-557,(2012)[PDF] |
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| 38. | Li Wang, Min Lu,Peng Lv, Jiansheng Jie*, Yongqiang Yu, Chunyan Wu, Yan Zhang, Chao Xie, Peng Jiang, Zhi Wang, Zhizhong Hu,'High-performance blue-light photodetectors based on single-crystal ZnSe nanoribbons with controlled gallium doping',Science of Advanced Materials,332-336,(2012).[PDF]  |
| 2011 | 年度 |
| 37. | Zhizhong Hu, Xiujuan Zhang, Chao Xie, Chunyan Wu, Xiaozhen Zhang, Liang Bian, Yiming Wu, Li Wang, Yuping Zhang and Jiansheng Jie,'Doping dependent crystal structures and optoelectronic properties of n-type CdSe:Ga nanowries',Nanoscale, 3 (11), 4798 - 4803, (2011).[PDF] |
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| 36. | Lin-bao Luo, Xiao-bao Yang, Feng-xia Liang, Jian-sheng Jie, Chun-yan Wu, Li Wang, Yong-qiang Yu, Zhi-feng Zhu,'Surface Dangling Bonds-Mediated Molecules Doping of Germanium Nanowires',J. Phys. Chem. C , 115 (49), 24293, (2011).[PDF]  |
| 35. | Lin-Bao Luo, Feng-xia Liang, Jian-sheng Jie ,'Sn-catalyzed synthesis of SnO2 nanowires and their optoelectronic characteristics',Nanotechnology, 22, 485701, (2011).[PDF]  |
| 34. | Lin-Bao Luo, Xiao-Bao Yang, Feng-Xia Liang, Hu Xu, Yu Zhao, Xing Xie, Wen-Feng Zhang, and Shuit-Tong Lee*,'Surface Defects-Induced p-type Conduction of Silicon Nanowires',J. Phys. Chem. C, 115, 18453, (2011). [PDF]  |
| 33. | Chao Xie, Peng Lv, Biao Nie, Jiansheng Jie*, Xiwei Zhang, Zhi Wang, Peng Jiang, Zhizhong Hu, Linbao Luo*, Zhifeng Zhu, Li Wang, and Chunyan Wu,'Monolayer Graphene Film/Silicon Nanowire Array Schottky Junction Solar Cells',Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 133113, (2011). (selected for the October 10, 2011 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.)[PDF]  |
| 32. | Di Wu, Yang Jiang*, Shanying Li, Fangze Li, Junwei Li, Xinzheng Lan, Yugang Zhang, Chunyan Wu, Linbao Luo and Jiansheng Jie*,'Construction of high-quality CdS:Ga nanoribbon/silicon heterojunctions and their nano-optoelectronic applications',Nanotechnology, 22, 405201,(2011).[PDF]  |
| 31. | Jiajun Cai, Jiansheng Jie*, Peng Jiang, Di Wu, Chao Xie, Chunyan Wu, Zhi Wang, Yongqiang Yu, Li Wang, Xiwei Zhang, Qiang Penga and Yang Jiang,'Tuning the electrical transport properties of n-type CdS nanowires via Ga doping and its nano-optoelectronic applications',<Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,13, 32, 14663-14667, (2011).(Selected as the front inside cover of PCCP)[PDF]  |
| 30. | Yongqiang Yu, Jiansheng Jie*, Peng Jiang, Li Wang, Chunyan Wu, Qiang Peng, Xiwei Zhang, Zhi Wang, Chao Xie, Di Wu, and Yang Jiang*,'High-gain visible-blind UV photodetectors based on chlorine-doped n-type ZnS nanoribbons with tunable optoelectronic properties',J. Mater. Chem.,21, 12632-12638, (2011). (Selected as the back inside cover of JMC)[PDF]  |
| 29. | Xiwei Zhang, Jiansheng Jie*, Zhi Wang, Chunyan Wu, Li Wang, Qiang Peng, Yongqiang Yu, Peng Jiang and Chao Xie,'Surface induced negative photoconductivity in p-type ZnSe:Bi Nanowires and its nano-optoelectronic applications'J. Mater. Chem. 21, 18, 6736-6741, (2011).[PDF]  |
| 28. | Qiang Peng, Jiansheng Jie*, Chao Xie, Li Wang, Xiwei Zhang, Di Wu, Yongqiang Yu, Chunyan Wu, Zhi Wang, Peng Jiang,'Nano-Schottky barrier diodes based on Sb-doped ZnS nanoribbons with controlled p-type conductivity',Appl. Phys. Lett. 98,123117,(2011).(selected for the April 11, 2011 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.)[PDF]  |
| 27. | Chunyan Wu, Li Wang, Zihan Zhang, Xiwei Zhang, Qiang Peng, Jiajun Cai, Yongqiang Yu, Huier Guo,Jiansheng Jie*,'Synthesis and optoelectronic properties of silver-doped n-type CdS nanoribbons',Front. Optoelectron. China, 4, 2, 161-165, (2011).[PDF]  |
| 26. | Shanying Li, Yang Jiang*, Di Wu, Binbin Wang, Yugang Zhang, Junwei Li, Xinmei Liu, Honghai Zhong, Lei Chen, Jiansheng Jie*,'Structure and electrical properties of p-type twin ZnTe nanowires ',Appl. Phys. A,102,2,469-475,(2011)[PDF] |
| 25. | Bo Wu, Yang Jiang*, Di Wu, Shanying Li, Li Wang, Yongqing Yu, Zhuangbing Wang, Jiansheng Jie,'Nitrogen Doped n-Type CdS Nanoribbons with Tunable Electrical and Photoelectrical Properties',Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 11, 3, 2003-2011,(2011)[Link] |
| 24. | Y. L. Cao, Z. T. Liu, L. M. Chen, Y. B. Tang, L. B. Luo, J. S. Jie, W. J. Zhang, S. T. Lee, and C. S. Lee*, 'Single-crystalline ZnTe nanowires for application as high-performance Green/Ultraviolet photodetector' Opt. Express, 19, 7, 6100-6108, (2011)[PDF] |
| 2010 | 年度 |
| 23. | Chunyan Wu, Jiansheng Jie*, Li Wang, etc.'Chlorine-doped n-type CdS nanowires with enhanced photoconductivity',Nanotechnology, 21,505203 (2010).[PDF]  |
| 22. | Jiansheng Jie, Wenjun Zhang, Igor Belloa, Chun-Sing Lee and Shuit-Tong Lee, “One-dimensional II-VI nanostructures: Synthesis, properties and optoelectronic applications”, Nano Today, 5, 313-336(2010).[PDF]  |
| 21. | Li Wang, Jiansheng Jie*, Chunyan Wu, Zhi Wang, Yongqiang Yu, Qiang Peng, Xiwei Zhang, Zhizhong Hu, Di Wu, Huier Guo, Yang Jiang, 'Coaxial ZnSe/Si nanocables with controlled p-type shell doping', Nanotechnology, 21, 285206,(2010).[PDF]  |
| 20. | Di Wu, Jiang Yang, Li Wang, Shanying Li, Bo Wu, Yongqiang Yu, Chunyan Wu, Jiansheng Jie*, “High-performance CdS:P nanoribbon field-effect transistors constructed with high-κ dielectric and top-gate geometry”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96 (12), 123118 (2010).[PDF]  |
| 19. | Shanying Li, Yang Jiang, Di Wu, Li Wang, Bo Wu, Xinzheng Lan, Yongqing Yu, Zhuangxing Wang, Jiansheng Jie*, “Enhanced p-type conductivity of ZnTe nanoribbons by nitrogen doping”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 114 (17), 7980-7985 (2010).[PDF]  |
| 18. | Zhuangbing Wang, Li Wang, Chunyan Wu, Yong-qiang Yu, Zhizhong Hu,Qi Liang, Xiaoliang Xu, Jiansheng Jie*.'Effect of oxygen pressure on the optical properties of MgZnO films prepared by PLD'.CHINESE JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE, 31(5),639-645,(2010).[PDF]  |
| 17. | Zhubing He, Wenjun Zhang, Wenfeng Zhang, Jiansheng Jie, Linbao Luo, Guodong Yuan, Jianxiong Wang, C. M. L. Wu, Igor Bello, Chun-Sing Lee and Shuit-Tong Lee,'High-Performance CdSe:In Nanowire Field-Effect Transistors Based on Top-Gate Configuration with High-k Non-Oxide Dielectrics',J. Phys. Chem. C, 114 (10), 4663–4668,(2010).[PDF]
| 16. | Yi Wang, Yang Jiang, Di Wu, Yangping Sheng, Lanlan Chen, Guohua Li, Jiansheng Jie,'Field Effect Properties of Phosphorus Doped CdS Single-Crystal Nanoribbon via Co-Thermal-Evaporation', JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, 10(1),433-439,(2010).[Link] |
| 15. | Lanlan Chen, Yang Jiang, Chun Wang, Xinmei Liu, Yan Chen, Jiansheng Jie,'Green chemical approaches to ZnSe quantum dots: preparation, characterisation and formation mechanism',JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL NANOSCIENCE, 5(2),106-117,(2010).[PDF]
| 2009 | 年度 |
| 14. | Jiansheng Jie, Chunyan Wu, Yongqiang Yu, Li Wang and Zhizhong Hu,“Gallium-assisted growth of flute-like MgO nanotubes, Ga2O3-filled MgO nanotubes, and MgO/Ga2O3 co-axial nanotubes”, Nanotechnology, 20, 075602 (2009). (Reported by Nanotechweb.org in Lab Talk)[PDF]
| 13. | Zhubing He, Jiansheng Jie, Wenjun Zhang, Wenfeng Zhang, Linbao Luo, Xia Fan, Guodong Yuan, Igor Bello, and Shuit-Tong Lee, “Tuning electrical and photoelectrical properties of CdSe nanowires via indium doping”, Small, 5, 345-350 (2009).[PDF]
| 12. | Linbao Luo, Jiansheng Jie, Wenfeng Zhang, Zhubing He, Jianxiong Wang, Guodong Yuan, Wenjun Zhang, Lawrence Chi Man Wu, Shuit-Tong Lee, “Silicon nanowire sensors for Hg2+ and Cd2+ ions”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 193101 (2009).[PDF]
| 11. | Y. Zhao, Y. Xie, Jiansheng Jie, C. Y. Wu, S. Yan, “Tectonic arrangement of Bi2S3 nanocrystals into 2D networks”, J. Mater. Chem. 19 (21), 3378-3383 (2009).[PDF]
| 10. | L. B. Luo, J. S. Jie, Z. H. Chen, X. J. Zhang, X. Fan, G. D. Yuan, Z. B. He, W. F. Zhang, S. T. Lee, “Photoconductive Properties of Selenium Nanowire Photodetectors”, J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 9 (11), 6292-6298 (2009).[Link] |
| 9. | W. F. Zhang, Z. B. He, G. D. Yuan, J. S. Jie, L. B. Luo, X. J. Zhang, Z. H. Chen, C. S. Lee, W. J. Zhang, and S. T. Lee, “High-performance, fully transparent, and flexible zinc-doped indium oxide nanowire transistors”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 123103 (2009).[PDF]
| 8. | G. H. Li, Y. Jiang, Y. Wang, C. Wang, Y. P. Sheng, J. S. Jie, J. A. Zapien, W. J. Zhang, S. T. Lee, “Synthesis of CdSXSe1-X Nanoribbons with Uniform and Controllable Compositions via Sulfurization: Optical and Electronic Properties Studies”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 113 (39), 17183-17188 (2009).[PDF]
| 7. | D. P. Li, G. Z. Wang, X. H. Han, J. S. Jie, S. T. Lee, “Synthesis and Characterization of In-Doped ZnO Planar Superlattice Nanoribbons”, J. Phys. Chem. C , 113 (14), 5417-5421 (2009).[PDF]
| 6. | S. Y. Li, Y. Jiang, M. Niu, C. Wang, J. S. Jie, “New strategy for the synthesis and characterization of monodisperse Zn7.23Cd2.77S10 nanoparticles”, J. Alloys and Compounds, 481 (1-2), 644-648 (2009).[PDF]
| 5. | C. Wang, Y. Jiang, Z. P. Zhang, G. H. Li, L. L. Chen, J. S. Jie, “Phosphine-Free Synthesis of CdSe Quantum Dots in a New Co-Capping Ligand System”, J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 9 (8), 4735-4740 (2009).[Link] |
| 4. | C. Y. Zhang, X. J. Zhang, X. H. Zhang, X. M. Ou, W. F. Zhang, J. S. Jie, J. C. Chang, C. S. Lee, S. T. Lee, “Facile One-Step Fabrication of Ordered Organic Nanowire Films”, Adv. Mater. 21(41), 4172 (2009).[PDF]
| 3. | X. J. Zhang, C. Dong, J. A. Zapien, S. Ismathullakhan, Z. H. Kang, J. S. Jie, X. H. Zhang, J. C. Chang, C. S. Lee, S. T. Lee, “Polyhedral Organic Microcrystals: From Cubes to Rhombic Dodecahedra”, Angew. Chem. Int. Edit. 48 (48), 9121-9123 (2009).[PDF]
| 2. | Y. L. Cao, Y. B. Tang, Y. Liu, Z. T. Liu, L. B. Luo, Z. B. He, J. S. Jie, R. Vellaisamy, W. J. Zhang, C. S. Lee, S. T. Lee, “Coaxial nanocables of p-type zinc telluride nanowires sheathed with silicon oxide: synthesis, characterization and properties”, Nanotechnology, 20(45), 455702 (2009).[PDF]
| 1. | X. Fan, X. M. Meng, X. H. Zhang, M. L. Zhang, J. S. Jie, W. J. Zhang, C. S. Lee, and S. T. Lee, “Formation and photoelectric properties of periodically twinned ZnSe/SiO2 nanocables”, J. Phys. Chem. C , 113(3), 834-838 (2009).[PDF]
| 14. | 专利名称:p-型石墨烯薄膜/n-型-肖特基结近红外光电探测器及其制备方法 申请发明人:合肥工业大学 罗林保;曾龙辉;谢超;于永强;梁凤霞 申请或专利号:201310202625.1 |
| 13. | 专利名称:p-型碳量子点/n-型硅纳米线阵列异质结太阳能电池及其制备方法 申请发明人:合肥工业大学 罗林保;谢超;曾龙辉;聂彪;胡瀚 申请或专利号:201310180805.X |
| 12. | 专利名称:一种二氧化钛纳米阵列为基体的紫外探测器及其制备方法 申请发明人:合肥工业大学 罗林保;王铭正;曾龙辉;吕鹏;聂彪 申请或专利号:201210349387.2 |
| 11. | 专利名称:一种尺寸可控的硅微/纳米线阵列的制备方法 申请发明人:合肥工业大学 罗林保、揭建胜、聂彪、吴春艳、于永强 申请或专利号:2012100056436 |
| 10. | 专利名称:通过MoO3表面掺杂制备p-CdS纳米线及p-CdS/n-Si纳米p-n结的方法 申请发明人:合肥工业大学 罗林保、揭建胜、李芳泽、吴春艳、王莉 申请或专利号:20121000115379 |
| 9. | 专利名称:一步生长实现Si/II-VI族半导体纳米p-n结的方法 申请发明人:合肥工业大学 揭建胜、王莉、于永强、吴春艳、彭强、卢敏、任勇斌 申请或专利号:201110048502.8 |
| 8. | 专利名称:利用化学气相沉积原位掺杂制备p型IIB-VIA族准一维半导体纳米材料的方法 申请发明人:合肥工业大学 揭建胜、张希威、彭强、王莉、于永强、吴春艳、朱志峰 申请或专利号:201110087016.7 |
| 7. | 专利名称:实现与n型ZnS准一维纳米材料欧姆接触的电极及其制备方法 申请发明人:合肥工业大学 揭建胜、于永强、蒋阳、罗林保、朱志峰 申请或专利号:201110176219.3 |
| 6. | 专利名称:ZnSe纳米光电探测器及其制备方法 申请发明人:合肥工业大学 王莉、揭建胜、吴春艳、于永强、卢敏、谢超、郭慧尔、任勇斌 申请或专利号:201110065092.8 |
| 5. | 专利名称:n型掺杂ZnS准一维纳米结构薄膜光电导型紫外探测器及制备方法 申请发明人:合肥工业大学 于永强、揭建胜、蒋阳、朱志峰、江鹏 申请或专利号:201110176236.7 |
| 4. | 专利名称:金属/半导体纳米线交叉结构异质结的制备方法 申请发明人:合肥工业大学 吴春艳、揭建胜、王莉、于永强、胡治中、张梓晗、周国方 申请或专利号:201110197871.3(已获发明专利授权) |
| 3. | 专利名称:实现与p型ZnS准一维纳米材料欧姆接触的电极及其制备方法 申请发明人:合肥工业大学 于永强,蒋阳,揭建胜,吴春艳,王莉,江鹏 申请或专利号:2010105924493 |
| 2. | 专利名称:一种微区可控纳米功能材料合成加热装置 申请发明人:合肥工业大学 揭建胜,胡治中,吴春艳,王莉,于永强. 申请或专利号:ZL200820211463.2。(已获实用新型专利授权) |
| 1. | 专利名称:一种微区可控纳米功能材料合成加热装置 申请发明人:合肥工业大学 揭建胜,胡治中,吴春艳,王莉,于永强. 申请或专利号:ZL200810246105.X。(已获发明专利授权) |